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Tuesday, May 23, 2006

The Ethics of Many U.S. Elected Officials is in Doubt
It Would be Interesting if the FBI Investigated All 535 Members of Congress

Our politicians are influenced a lot like Congressman William Jefferson D-LA. While many votes on issues in congress may not be influenced necessarily by a suitcase with $100,000 I think there are other little material perks that are off the radar contributions to a campaign, or an offshore bank account, or hiring little Johnny into a well paying position with company XYZ, etc.

Considering how our U.S. Senators voted to give Social Security benefits to ILLEGALS is indicative of their collective integrity. What is the old saying? "~Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely." How is it that a lobbyist works anyway? How is it that they are able to sway seemingly "intelligent" well informed Senators whose responsibility is to vote based on the will and values of their constituency? IF the FBI investigated all 535 members of congress we would find a lot more than 2 cases of impropriety. I"ll guarantee it.