ARD Price Target FY07: TBA
ARD EPS Estimate FY07: TBA

Saturday, June 17, 2006

U.S. Department of Energy Projections for 2015 and 2030 Examined
The Projections are Nothing Short of Shocking

Have you ever taken the time to see what our very own Department of Energy thinks about future oil prices and gasoline prices? Tonight I took a look at the most recent report posted on the DOE website. The following points are shocking and an example of how out of touch with reality the people making the projections at the DOE are:

1. On page 7 note that domestic oil production is expected to increase in 2006 avoiding any declines in production until 2016.

2. On page 8 note that the projected crude oil price for the "high price" or worse case scenario is $76.30 in 2015 and $95.71 in 2030.

3. On page 8 and 12 the reference or base projection for crude oil price is $47.79 in 2015 and $56.97 in 2030.

4. On Page 12 note that U.S. average gasoline price is projected at $2.00 in 2015 and $2.19 in 2030. Keep in mind that these prices are based on 2004 dollars. So if you factor inflation the real prices are much lower.

5. On page 9 note that technology is expected to magically raise U.S. oil production.These key points indicate the typical GROUPTHINK that PROHIBITS our government from taking the necessary steps to avoid the ensuing energy nightmare.

Our government is "asleep at the wheel" just as they were for:
**the Mexican border problem/illegals/colonization of America by Mexico's poorest
**Pearl Harbor
**Social Security
**National Debt
**Allowing ACLU to strip Jesus Christ from all public displays
**Allowing ACLU argument to make it "discrimination" to give Mohammed a second glance at airport security having no problem with grandma in wheelchair to get an anal examination.
**Not shutting down the border for National security reasons (drugs, WMD, etc.)
**Allowing your home to be taken away for purposes of private development with the excuse of eminent domain.

It looks like we can now add Peak Oil to the long list of events that paralyzed our goverment as a result of groupthink.

It's amazing how our government is paralyzed from taking action before the crisis is upon us. When it is upon us it is going to be more painful and much more damaging to this nation. Nobody in the DOE wants to be bold and make a prediction that would rock the boat so to speak. The projections are absolutely crazy and reckless. Even their worst case scenarios understate the problems and are therefore reckless and risk the very existence of this country.

I"m sure there are many more "gems" worth noting if you take the time to peruse the Department of Energy website. Talk about being paralyzed by Groupthink. Obviously if someone projected $250 oil that would upset a lot of big donors to the republican party. Feathers would get ruffled and someone (the little guy making the projection) would be fired in a heartbeat. This is GROUPTHINK in its purest form. On a positive note, you will be able to profit from rising oil prices exceeding the extremely low expectations set by government, major oil companies, the media, and Wallstreet.