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Wednesday, February 22, 2006

UAE and Iran: Close Ties Uncovered
Iran Invests Heavily in UAE; Smuggling Between Countries Common.

The quotations below were taken from the Khaleej Times Online:

"...(smuggling) accounts to one third ($4 billion) of the total bilateral trade between the UAE and Iran." That being said it seems that UAE and Iran like doing deals "under the table." They must be close trading partners to do so much trading under the table. Out of sight out of mind right? Not if it is a nuke. Not if that nuke happens to be on a container ship bound for a USA port. Would you want a company running your ports where smuggling with Iran is the normal course of business?

"...Iranian companies have invested heavily in the UAE..." Could it be that Iran has invested in Dubai Ports World? Perhaps they have paid off management at Dubai Ports World? Maybe a little hush money to look the other way as a nuke is loaded onboard a container ship? Pretty scary stuff!

I'm not willing to give the benefit of the doubt to any UAE company and especially when it comes to our national security. To do so is suicidal.

Click here to read the article in its entirety.