Doktor Stocks to Enter 2008 Presidential Race
Candidate Pledges, "Contract to Protect America."
Tonight someone announced their candidacy for president of the USA. After much thought, careful consideration and soul searching I too made the decision to enter the presidential race in 2008. As I want to take back my party I will run as a republican. Let those who claim to be republicans but show very few republican values run as third party candidates. John McCain and Bill Frist are perfect examples of counterfeit republicans. I have 8 platforms as part of my Contract to Protect America. They are as follows:
1. National Security/ Illegals. I'm also for securing the border. However I plan on vetoing any bill that comes before me that does not include a 2000 mile double wall complete with a 100 feet of "no-mans-land" sandwiched between each wall. There will be no provision for illegals already in the country other than to enforce the current law: If you are here illegally you will be deported. No hospital care or emergency room care allowed unless you are here legally. No public education for kids unless you are here legally. No government perks like social security benefits, welfare, etc. Additionally I would push both houses of congress to adopt a law making all illegals felons. Businesses would be penalized for hiring illegals. The hiring process would involve checking application against government database. Those names that don't match identification numbers and that are clearly fraudulent would be taken into custody, questioned, fingerprinted, implanted with a tracking device the size of a grain of rice then deported.
2. Welfare reform. If you receive welfare you must actually do something to earn it. For example you must show up and put in 8 hours a day 5 days a week. Then and only then would you get your welfare check. Those that are handicapped would also be required to do SOMETHING. Remember the postage stamp from the early 1980s: "Disabled doesn't mean Unable." Also, those on welfare would be denied right to vote based on condition of accepting the welfare payment. Welfare would no longer be a political issue. Also, no increase in welfare payment if additional child hatched. Instead condition of continued welfare would require sterilization to prevent further children to those who obviously can not afford them.
3. Prison Reform. If the U.S. labor market can be outsourced to foreign markets then so should the bulk of our prison system. I've heard figures that it takes upwards of $30,000 a year to house one prisoner one year at a MINIMUM security prison. With the exception of those who have life without parole sentences all others would be sent to those countries willing to incarcerate our vast prison population. Countries and private firms would be allowed to bid on taking care of prisoners. Lowest bidder wins. If a prisoner escapes firm would be penalized significantly to ensure the highest security measures.
4. Balanced Budget. Period. Funding of war would come at expense of other sectors within government. I see way too much pork today. I"m sure you have too. Also Effective immediately, all government employees past and present will no longer be getting a fat pension. Social security and savings is it. Move towards self funded 401K. Put pay freezes in on all government employees for next 6 years.
5. Iraq and Afghanistan. Maybe a better approach would be to carpet bomb the Sunni triangle like we did Nazi Germany. Also, putting our soldiers under a microscope for accidental killing of civilian/terrorist is uncalled for. How about letting our soldiers fight without the ACLU getting involved. I don't believe our soldiers in WWII were under such a microscope as they are today.
6. Political Reform: Term limits: 2. If it is good enough for the executive branch of government it is good enough for the legislative branch of government. All forms of lobbying will become illegal. If you are getting paid to sway vote of politician or if you are offering perks to politician to sway vote either directly or indirectly you will be prosecuted.
7. The Enemy Within. ACLU and all other communist/anti-American groups will investigated by justice department. We will emphasize putting these communist/anti-American groups out of business just like we put the mafia out of business in Chicago.
8. Legal Immigrants: No more islamic immigrants allowed until war on terror is over. Only 10,000 Mexican immigrants a year for the next 20 years allowed. Extended family members not allowed to join in on citizenship.
I would not even debate any other issues such as environment, healthcare, Medicare, social security, abortion, etc. as they are all a moot point if we can not first nail down our borders and secure our citizens from those that want to harm us with a nuke. Also no border means no nation. Therefore, securing border would be most important on agenda.
Additionally, I would tighten the screws on the Mexican government to pay all costs of illegals dating back to 1986 to present time PLUS INTEREST. With price of oil surpassing $150 a barrel I would give the Mexican government 30 days to make payment in full or make a payment plan that is reasonable. Without cooperation from Mexico all major oil fields would be taken over by U.S. commando units and U.S. petroleum workers would ensure smooth transition from mexican to U.S. operation/control of oilfields. All oil will be diverted to USA. Massive deportations of illegals back to mexico. (Its easy: if you are hispanic, don't speak english, AND don't have documents proving you are here LEGALLY then you are deported. Entire process of determining to deport or not takes less than 5 minutes. Over 500 deportation camps would be set up across the country.)
Candidate Pledges, "Contract to Protect America."
Tonight someone announced their candidacy for president of the USA. After much thought, careful consideration and soul searching I too made the decision to enter the presidential race in 2008. As I want to take back my party I will run as a republican. Let those who claim to be republicans but show very few republican values run as third party candidates. John McCain and Bill Frist are perfect examples of counterfeit republicans. I have 8 platforms as part of my Contract to Protect America. They are as follows:
1. National Security/ Illegals. I'm also for securing the border. However I plan on vetoing any bill that comes before me that does not include a 2000 mile double wall complete with a 100 feet of "no-mans-land" sandwiched between each wall. There will be no provision for illegals already in the country other than to enforce the current law: If you are here illegally you will be deported. No hospital care or emergency room care allowed unless you are here legally. No public education for kids unless you are here legally. No government perks like social security benefits, welfare, etc. Additionally I would push both houses of congress to adopt a law making all illegals felons. Businesses would be penalized for hiring illegals. The hiring process would involve checking application against government database. Those names that don't match identification numbers and that are clearly fraudulent would be taken into custody, questioned, fingerprinted, implanted with a tracking device the size of a grain of rice then deported.

3. Prison Reform. If the U.S. labor market can be outsourced to foreign markets then so should the bulk of our prison system. I've heard figures that it takes upwards of $30,000 a year to house one prisoner one year at a MINIMUM security prison. With the exception of those who have life without parole sentences all others would be sent to those countries willing to incarcerate our vast prison population. Countries and private firms would be allowed to bid on taking care of prisoners. Lowest bidder wins. If a prisoner escapes firm would be penalized significantly to ensure the highest security measures.
4. Balanced Budget. Period. Funding of war would come at expense of other sectors within government. I see way too much pork today. I"m sure you have too. Also Effective immediately, all government employees past and present will no longer be getting a fat pension. Social security and savings is it. Move towards self funded 401K. Put pay freezes in on all government employees for next 6 years.
5. Iraq and Afghanistan. Maybe a better approach would be to carpet bomb the Sunni triangle like we did Nazi Germany. Also, putting our soldiers under a microscope for accidental killing of civilian/terrorist is uncalled for. How about letting our soldiers fight without the ACLU getting involved. I don't believe our soldiers in WWII were under such a microscope as they are today.
6. Political Reform: Term limits: 2. If it is good enough for the executive branch of government it is good enough for the legislative branch of government. All forms of lobbying will become illegal. If you are getting paid to sway vote of politician or if you are offering perks to politician to sway vote either directly or indirectly you will be prosecuted.
7. The Enemy Within. ACLU and all other communist/anti-American groups will investigated by justice department. We will emphasize putting these communist/anti-American groups out of business just like we put the mafia out of business in Chicago.
8. Legal Immigrants: No more islamic immigrants allowed until war on terror is over. Only 10,000 Mexican immigrants a year for the next 20 years allowed. Extended family members not allowed to join in on citizenship.
I would not even debate any other issues such as environment, healthcare, Medicare, social security, abortion, etc. as they are all a moot point if we can not first nail down our borders and secure our citizens from those that want to harm us with a nuke. Also no border means no nation. Therefore, securing border would be most important on agenda.
Additionally, I would tighten the screws on the Mexican government to pay all costs of illegals dating back to 1986 to present time PLUS INTEREST. With price of oil surpassing $150 a barrel I would give the Mexican government 30 days to make payment in full or make a payment plan that is reasonable. Without cooperation from Mexico all major oil fields would be taken over by U.S. commando units and U.S. petroleum workers would ensure smooth transition from mexican to U.S. operation/control of oilfields. All oil will be diverted to USA. Massive deportations of illegals back to mexico. (Its easy: if you are hispanic, don't speak english, AND don't have documents proving you are here LEGALLY then you are deported. Entire process of determining to deport or not takes less than 5 minutes. Over 500 deportation camps would be set up across the country.)
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