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Friday, February 24, 2006

President George Bush Officially Flips his Wig
Bush Vows to Allow UAE Company to Run Our Ports

The President has officially vowed to NOT reconsider the port deal. Bush has decided to committ political suicide and potentially split the republican party in an election year. Expect Congress to Veto deal. I may make a trip to Washington D.C. on Monday to lobby my senators and congressman. Whatever happened to the government that is of the people, by the people and for the people? Why is the President unwilling to allow our ELECTED REPRESENTATIVES investigate Port-Gate? By making his final decision before congress has a chance to conduct a formal investigation he is already discounting the investigation. Also if the president was unaware that the deal took place until recently why is he so hell bent on the deal going through? Wouldn't he himself want to conduct his own investigation of the deal? Oh yea, this is the same president who refuses to shut down the Mexican border.

Just remember a country requires 3 things:
1. Borders: We have no border. We are being invaded and flooded with Mexican illegals. This is a major security threat. Need I mention our Ports??
2. Language: Our English language is losing out to Spanish. Even in northern states there are many billingual signs that contain both spanish and english n o matter if it is a public libarary or a McDonalds.
3. Culture: We are losing our culture.

We are losing our identity as a nation.

Call your Congressman

Call your Senator

Call the Whitehouse