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Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Bush's Approval Rating at Record Low
The Presidents Biggest Supporters no Longer Support him

The polls are not surprising to me and they should not come as a surprise to George Bush. I was once one of his biggest supporters and always used the term 'president' preceding his name. I no longer give him that honor. How can I? How can I honor someone who is so reckless about not only our nations security but also about my security? How can I honor someone who refuses to listen to my elected representation in Washington D.C. when he threatens to veto any legislation that might come as a result of a 45 day investigation? How can he even have the balls to threaten veto when he never even knew about the deal until last week? Finally, how can George Bush have any credibility at all on the issue of national security when he refuses to fix the major problem with the mexican border.

The mexican border isn't just about security. The mexican border is also about this country losing its borders. When people can just flood across into our country without regard for our laws we have no borders. When we lose our borders we also lose our status as a sovereign nation. How can you have a nation if there are no borders?

Also we are losing our language. No matter what part of the country you visit north, south, east or west you will frequently see signs in both english and spanish. Also if you call any major corporation be it Citibank, Dell computer, Walmart, etc you will be greeted in both english and spanish. How disgusting!

The president might like to know that he IS OFFENDING his biggest supporters. He is offending those that honored him by attending both his inauguration ceremonies as he was sworn in as president on the chilly winter days...the first one being cool and misting with cloudy skies....the second one being brisk and cold with bright blue clear skies. I fit into this category as I was there BOTH TIMES. At that time I was actually proud of my President.

Now I am neither proud of him nor do I even respect him.

You see, George Bush is so worried about the politics of not offending the UAE, one of our so called supporters in the war on terror that he completely ignores the people who put him in office and refuses to listen to what the people of America have to say.

To George Bush I say this: "WAKE UP AND LISTEN TO THE PEOPLE!"