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Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Listen to What is Being Discussed by Michael Savage
A Partial List of some Topics Covered in the First Hour

The Romanov Dynasty...and why they gave up their power in 1917. (Their government rotted from within and was no longer able to continue.) Any parallels with our government today? Lots of governement officials would sell their mother down the river for a dime.

Michael Savage on our questioning Port-Gate:
"If a U.S. citizen asks questions you are considered an enemy of the state."

From Arab who is terrorist expert. (forgot his name) mentioned by Michael Savage:
"Jihadists can infiltrate Dubai Ports World."

On why our country is in trouble:
"We (Americans) think by days. They (jihaddist) think in terms of millenia."

Company by the name of "Port Security International"...ties to Sandy Burglar Burger and son of chinese leader...

Michael Savage: Spencer Abraham was former energy secretary. Joined French nuclear firm to try and sell foreign nuclear reactors in america. Do you think it should be permitted that an american secretary of energy should be able to do this?

Michael Savage: What about former secretary of state Madeline Albright lobbying for Dubai Ports World? What about Bob Dole lobbying for DBP? What exactly can Madeline Albright and Bob Dole be offering congressman to change their minds?

Notes are brief and certainly don't come close to giving you all the info and feeling of the discussion and all details. Just wanted to paint a brief picture. You don't want to miss the Savage Nation!

WTNT out of Washington D.C. has a live broadcast that is on earlier in the evening from 6-10pm eastern time. Click here to listen to WTNT AM 570

Click here to listen to News Talk 870 KRLA:
Michael Savage is on the airtonight on News Talk 870 KRLA from:
9 pm-12 am Eastern time
8-11 pm Central time
7-10 pm Mountain time
6-9 pm Pacific time